Paragangia Wiki

copied from the file on my computer, exactly as it was created. for a version with the same story content but edited for readability, Original Spider Story Edited version

DOD 2013  graphic novel script  

this book would be in several volume, so each volume could have a different cover.

he arrives at the beach, picture of what he sees on the beach, waterfall, etc. 

he plays in the water. sees Marisyl “ it’s a rat pidgeon, like we saw at the space port. 

sitting by a campfire playing guitar, looking at the moon

“ AIssis the blue moon of destiny of dreams has risen. now I can sleep and dream  and see who I can find in the dream world here. Maybe Lenn will talk to me again, now that we’re on the same continent,’

picture of him laying down on  a blanket, sleeping. 

dream images. walks arround, dream images of the beach. sees marisyl, thinks “it’s that rat pidgeon again. 

I’m NOT a rat pidgeon, YOu ignorant Terran. I am a dragon ferret!!! you should not wander here, 

jason walks on. I’m looking for Lenn. DO you know him? 

“dreaming in the silderness outside the pillars is unwise” 

THe pillars? do you know how I can reach D’zeron in the dream world from here? should not wander. don’t say I didn’t warn you, foolish child.  

complete blackness, Jason mistylooking, scared.

Hey! Dragon Ferret! what happened? 

[no response]

Is anyone here? Dragon ferret? Lenn? 

6—hears nightmare laughter, is terrified. first defense against night mares fails: he can’t wake up.

thinks, perhaps she was right, I should wake up now. 

oh no I can’t wake up. this has never happened to me before. dreams are differant on this planet. 

Dragon ferret! Help me! show me the way out. Lenn? anyone.

loud night mare laughter.  echoing his words. “help me.

8—“I’ve never been so scared. ever. really would like to get out of here now. Ok, second defense against nightmares. . turn and face it without any fear. 

ok, I can do this,it’s  jsut a dream. 

jason apears in a suit, short hair, as if he is lectureing in a colege class, with his guitar strapped to his back.

Now, where is that sound coming from? hard to face something when there’s nothing I can see “where are you? show yourselves?”

calms himself, stands still looks for source of the laughter.

9- snakelike glowing forms dance around him laughing at him, pointing at him.

15—Jason, smiling watching in fascination “are you dreambound creatures? can you speak to me?”

16—loud laughter—disrespectful. flames touch his clothing and it starrts to burn.Jason looks terrified.

“I mean you no harm!” he cries out. they laugh more. he tries to put the flames out on his clothing. the flames spread to his hands.

18—“Maybe if look like them they would respect me more”.he thinks

19—flames cover him completely. he is on fire consumed by flames. He screams.

20 Flames consumed his flesh, though he could not see the flesh. He could feel, and see and smell it’s burning. He could hear the flames crackle and his skin boiling and popping and dissolving into ashes. He though of sunset on the beach in the Aircar with Harris, Harris’s fear of falling into the sun. this was like falling into the sun. this was what Harris felt when he saw daylight. Harris. I had no Idea. I’m sorry I did this to you.

21—“Harris”Jason screams. I’m sorry. please. help me. [no way he can here this is foolish for me to call him

24 “wait. I am an American. I am free to choose my reaction. I am a lucid dreamer. what I dream is within my power to control” [tries and fails to have no form.]

25 treis to be fully consumed by the flames.

he is instantly bones ashes and no pain.

“ Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. my dross has been burned away and I am purified. I feel now pain”

26 –Jason standing calmly amid circling firesnakes. heart still racing, breathing hard, but still.

27. has his body again. cries tears of relief. and then realizes he cannot move at all except to speak. 

one of them is red and larger than the others. perhaps it is their leader, he thinks. the red large one hiss’s at him “foolish boy there’s nothing you can do you do not control this dream this is MY world.

28 “who are you what do you want? why are you doing this/” they laugh.

29 they echo his words. “questions don’t bring answers, maybe answers will”—“I am Jason scott-harris from planet earth” his voice is a terrified whisper.

30jason thinks “I am on trial being judged by malicious aliens. but this is they world. I am the alien invader here.  the natives.’

31 “mean you know harm. I just want to learn about  you. please let me go?”

they laugh maliciously rush at him from all sides.he braced for burning but instead they feel cold. tentacles, screaming LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO”

32 they squeezed like constrictors and pinched and he struggled to draw breath. I can’t breath. yet I’m not dying. this is a dream, I don’t need air in a dream.

33 Maybe if I do nothing they won’t want to play with me anymore, and they will leave he thought. Like a cat playing with a mouse only until it is too dead to wiggle

[quetzal teases him, talks bad about his father Jonathan, tells him to call for Harris to help him. 

Jason calls for Harris to help him.

end of chapter one.

chapter two. Hrris

harris is out drinking he starts feeling sick and decides to go home to sleep it off. 

goes home. goes to sleep

dreams that Jason is calling him, 

tried to help but can’t get to where Jason is in the deamworld. wakes up. 

talking to sylvia --I had a weird dream Sylvia. I don’t feel good. will you heal me? 

sylvia heals him. 

OK. says Harris. maybe getting drunk wasn;t a good Idea. remind me not to do that again. now maybe I can sleep without any nightmares. 

It’s probably jsut that I feel bad for having refused to go with him tonight. I am woirried about him being out there alone. 

well, maybe now I can sleep anyhow. 

goes to sleep. sees Jason being teased by QUetzal and calling out for Harris to help him. 

can’t get to where Jason is. 

Harris wakes up. 

that wasn’t jsut a dream, sylvia. that was real, those creatures are real and he’s realy trapped there. 

I ahve to go help him. 

but first, I need to go see my fahter. 

[ scene change]

sen’tran sleeping.

harris entering the room.

sen jumps up startled, grabbs Harris.

‘Harris. I should have known. no body other then you would be able to sneak into my private quarters like that. .

Harris says “Dad, I’m sorry.” 

sen :it’s okay, you’re not the first of my children to go into exile you know.”

harris says “how did you know?” 

sen says “desmond told me.”

Desmond? but he’s been dead for over twnety years. 

Yes. he had the curdse of Paragan. he told me twnty years ago that this time would come, and asked me to help you. 

Harris satys --jason is being held hostage in the dream world. I ahve to go to Kaar taal to save him.

I understand. I will shut down your implant so you can legally travel there without technology. 

there’s a problem. SYlvia. 

I can’t take her with me. 


harris: and she can’t be seperated from my implant because she will die?

die? she’s a robaot you can jsut start her up again. 

NO, she’s really alive. I don’t know how it happened but  she’s really alive. 

you know how illegal that is harris? 

yess, I know, but it ws an accident.

why didn’t you tell me?

I was only 10 when I created her. I didn’t know what I was doing. but once it happened I had to protect her. I thought you might kill her because she was illegal. 

Sentran looks at sylvia, holds her like a hcild, makes a comment about the only heir harris will give him is a toy robot.

Harris says “you ahve to implant her with someone else, and it has to be someone who can have a control implant. 

sen: you mean me? I can’t. I’m the patrearck, I can  go running arround with a toy robot following me. 

but she’ll die! and there’s no one else, is there? 

Sen’tran grins and ANton suddenly appears beside him. 

Harris !! he jumps on Harris and hugs him, almost knocks him over “have you finally decided to let me have Sylvia? I knew you would. It’s ABOUT TIME. 

ANTON? Harris looks ar Sen, who is grinning. “She’s illegal. He’s only a child. you can;’t can you?”

I am the Patriarch. I make the laws. 

No one will notice. the people of the Marrion Jay are used to seeing Sylvia with you. They don’t question her legality. It is natural that you will finally pass on your toy robot to a child like Anton.

you were a child when you created her. Anton has been held captive on the Marrion Jay all his life because he was born with a dangerous capacity to dream travel. Sylvia can moniter him better than we can. Linked to her, he can explore the port alone, even on planets which do not have a community mind. Linked to her, he will not be able to dream travel. [ this page will be added in between later, not included in the basic version. too much text]

[scene changes will be marked by a blank page and a full page scene setting picture. 

picture of the melinium falcon taxi offshore from where Jason is at the waterfall...similar to the first picture with Jason. dolphines jumping out of the watter. birds flying over the water. 

picture of Sentran leaving Harris off in a boat [ find a way before this to let readers know how Harris is terrified of water and living creatures?][[writing a prequal would help, this can be skipped for now]]

Harris terrified by dolphins jumping over his boat.  drops kayak paddle. Has to paddle with his hand in the water to get it. fishes try to bite him. 

Harris worries about Jason. “the longer I take to get there the longer I endure this terrifying ocean and these terrifying creatures. and the longer Jason endures being tortured in the dream world by those flame creatures. [seveal pictures of fish splashing Harris, harris arriving, falling in water trying to get out of the boat. 

Harris runs up the beach to Jason’s camp. 

picture of Jason laying in the sun unconscious “Jason? wake up”

Jason cries out. “Harris. I’m burning. help.” 

Harris Kneels by him, shakes him. “Jason!Wake up ALready!

Jason hangs limp in harris’s arms

“maybe the water would wake him.” carries Jason to the water. fights his fear. holds Jason in the water. [picture of Jason alseep, floating in the water. he cries out again about being burned. “snap out of it! you can;t burn when you’re in the water. can you?

Harris carries dripping Jason out of the water. Nothing will wake him. 

If I could carry him to D”zeron they would know how to help, but it would take days to get there. He’d starve and dehydrate before we arrived. 

I’ll ahve to join him in that dream place and help him escape.  

I know that’s that’s dangerous, but it  can’t be worse than fish and dolphins. Right?

Harris and Jason, both soaked, lying together on the ground, Harris holding Jason like a child.

Harris and Jason in the dream world

end scene. scene change picture= Harris watching in dream world Harris and the fire snakes. 

Harris runs forward: Let him go. NOW.

Quetzal says YOu fool, don’t you know we only did this to him so that you would come here?

Harris: No! I didn’t know. but it doesn’t matter. just let him go now. 

Jason: Harris, I’m sorry! I didn’t know. I should not have called you. be careful, he’ll do the same things to you. 

how did you get here?

Harris: sen’tran and ANton and fish and boats. I’ll tell you later, ok? lets jsut get out of here!

Jason. we can’t do that! first things first! 

Quetzal laughs: You silly fools, fools YOu’ll never find the way out of here.

Harris thinks, terrified. He’s right> there’s no way. 

Jason: WHy not? Sen’tran never would have helped harris come  unless he knew Harris would be ok, right Harris? 

Harris: right. He said Desmond told him to help me. Desmond had the curse of Pargan...he could see the future. DOn’t worry Jason. we’ll be fine soon enough.

Quetzal : well, I guess Our work is done guys, lets go,

Have a nice jouney to D’zeron, boys. say Hello to Sen’tran for me. [all snakes fade into the darkness laughing.

Jason is freed and falls into Harris’s arms sobbing. they awaken on the beach. 

harris: it’s iook. you’re awake now. 

Jason says: Harris. how did you get here? 

Harris pulls out the letter : Sen’tran told me to give you this. 

Harris hands Jason the scroll written by Sen’tran.

harris goes to sleep. 

[Jason. you must be exhusted. I’ll let you rest. I don’t think I’’m going to want to go to sleep for awhile, however.

chapter 3

opening picture =jason’s hands holding the letter from sentr’an which says. be advised that Harris control implant has been fully removed. when it was implanted ar age 4 3 days of memories were hidden. for the next three days those memories will vividly reemerge, durring which time Harris will periodically revert to the mentality of his 4 yr old self.

Harris asleep on the beach. pictures showing Jason doing camp tasks--gathering wood and food, etc

returns to find Harris awake, hiding from the sun, under the cliff

Harris you’re awake. What are you doing? 

HIding from the sun. it scares me. It’s too close.

no it’s not. it’s far away.

come sit down by this tree.

no, I don’t like the tree. there’s animals in them.

why are you afraid of animals? 

there are no animals in Paragangia. and because they are alive? 

Jason? alive? life scares you?

no death scares me. there are too many things which are going to die.

Just because it’s alive doesn’t mean it’s going to die, does it?

It is Jason, look... that creature on your’s lilke sylvia only it’s an animal, and it’s going to die.

it’s not going to die . it is! see that larger animal, it’s going to eat the one with wings, isn’t it? 

NO!, it’s not, I won’t let that happen, Harris. Jason runs to the tree,

grabbs the Rat pidion just as the cat punces,

cat scratches his chest and arm, and creature’s wing.  Jason takes creature to Harris. 

Here, she’s hurt, you can take care of her until her wing heals.

Harris takes here. Wow, she’s soft, I’ve never held an animal before. e

Jason says. we’ll call her Marrisyl, for the Marrion jay, and for SYlvia, then when you miss them, you can think of her and not be lonely.

ENd of chapter.

they bandage Marrisyls wing, and Jason’s scratches,

ok Harris lets go swimming to get cleaned off. we ahve blood all over us. and you still ahve salt on you from the ocean water. it’s not good for your skin. and then you can put on clean clothes

sen’tran has provided several days worth of Paragangian food for Harris to eat, so he doesn’t have to live on natural food until after he recovers from exile. jason encourages Harris to eat.

no we can’t you’re all scratched up and we gotta take care of Marrisyl. 

i”m fine. the water will be good for the scratches. and we can sit Marrisyl on the boat so nothing gets her while we are swimming.

Harris hears a noise up in the tree. “what was that?”

Jason: “I did’t see anything.”

Harris.: I saw a little person up there. 

Jason says: Nobody lives in this part of the forest. Nobody travels more than a day outside the pillars of D’zeron.

“She was there” Harris insisted stubbornly. “I saw her.”

“This is just another excuse to avoid the water isn’t it? Why are you afraid of water? 

There no water on the Marrion Jay.

So all spacers are afraid of water? asked Jason. [why did they not talk about this on the beach at Jai-ten?] 

No. But when I was little I accidently walked into a hydroponic garden on HomeStation when the sprinklers were on. Water got all over me. It was terrifying.”

How old were you? asked jason

I don’t know, three maybe.

How old are you now? asked Jason.

“4” said Harris, perfectly serious.

“no. NOW,” said Jason 

“I’m 26 now “Harris corrected himself

“26? You’re only 26? I thought you were old. Older than Jonathan at least.” 

Harris laughed . “Why would you think that? 

“Your dad is three hundred and you used to hang out with my parents before I was born. I thought you’d be about their age.”

“I was there when you were born.” said Harris “I was 5. Dad took me so we’d have a dream bond. you were really tiny and funny looking. Dad must have blocked it from my memory. I wonder why.

Jason laughs. “All babies are tiny and funny looking Harris. Stop changing the subject. After 20 years it’s time you got over your fear of water, don’t you think?

Harris points to the forrest on the cliff “there she is again.”

“Harris! There’s nothing there” he starts undoing Harris’’s shirt “this shirt is all salty from sea water. your skin must be also, it’s not good for your skin. I’ll help you with these so we can go get cleaned up. Sen’tran sent clean clothes for you. I can wash this for you later. 

Jason starts to take off Harris’s shirt. 

Jason blushed. “you have, um, alot of body hair?

Harris laughed. “No Jason. Terran’s like you have body hair.” he looked at Jason. “well, some Terrans have body Hair. Pure Paragangians Have fur everywhere but our faces and hands and feet.” 

Why do you hide your fur?

It’s personal. we don’t show it and we don’t talk about it. Like dreaming. But since you’re Desmond’s son and Desmond is Paragan, you’re one of us, right?” 

“Fur or not, you still need a bath, Harris. Salt dried on fur is probably worse than on Terran skin.

“It is sort of ichy” confessed Harris, scratching his chest and shaking loose a small cloud of salt dust. “but not so much that I want to go in the water.”

[Jason thinks get’s the idea...maybe thinks of a song, since by this time he knows Harris likes songs, this reminds him of baptism.

Hey Harris, I spent a year on HomeWOrld where Desmond Harris Grew up, and I know alot about their rituals. would you like me to teach you one of their rituals? 

When a new member joins them, they do something called baptism. ever heard of that? 

no. i don’t want to be a member of the church. But I’ve seen it a few times.

How? Everyone in the colony is LDS.

“not till they turn 8.the age of accountability. It’s just like you getting an implant when you were 4. Hey Harris. Since I’m not LDS and You’re not Paragangian, we can make our own kind of Baptism, and become brothers, ok?

OK, Jason “Harris Grinned “let’s’ Have a baptism

Jason grinned back “are you sure? like LDS baptism, only for our own brother of the churchhood instead?”

RIght, lets become brothers, Jason.

Ok Harris. So I’ll babptize you first, and then yyou’ll do the exact same thing to me, right?


‘Ok, come one Harris” Jason stood up and ran into the water. 

Harris stopped at the waters edge , “what are you doing?”

This is how they do it. The preist, which is me for now because I was the one who received the inspiration, that person stands in the water.

oh, okay says Harris.

“He says the ritual words and he dunks the other guy all the way into the water. Like burried in the water, as if you were dead, and buried in the ground. and then when you come up you are born again as a new person, in this case one who is my brother and is not afraid of water. Then you get to be the preist, and you get to baptize me.”

HEY, you tricked me. Harris started to back away slowly from the water.

Nope. No Tricks, this is for real. I’ll baptize you just like I said and then You’ll be my brother and you won’t ever be afraid of the water again.”

Harris advances slowly back to the water’s edge, freezes there and looks down at the water like a terrified child. “I can’t. I’m scared. “

Do you want to be my brother, Harris?

“We already are brothers. We were born to be the Heir of Paragan.”

“I say we’re not, Harris. DO you want me to say we are? I’m not your brother until you do this. do you want me to agree to be your brother? that’s all you wanted ever since we met, right Harris

Harris looks at him and smiles I do, Jason. you’re right.

He walks into the water. to where Jason is standing.

um..Harris? you’re too tall for me to dunk, you’ll have to knee;=l down ok?

Harris Kneels. 

Harris Jenzar, in memory of our father Desmond Harris, who held the preisthood of God, I baptixze you to be unafraid and to be my brother. amen. and he submerges him into the water.

Harris rises from the water dripping and joyfully unafraid. “that was awesome, now It’s your turn. 

jason thinks “oh no now I have to let myself be baprized, which I always feared. but for Harris, I have to be brave like he was.

and Harris says “Jason Scott-Harris, my brother,  I baptize you to be my brother and also unafraid in the name of Desmond Harris. amen. and

and as Jaosn went under the water and came back up he felt a peace and love he had never felt before. he huggged harris. thank you. that really was awesome. I never undertood before why they did this, but now I finally understand.

I am honpored to be your brother Harris.

now, lets go get cleaned up since we are already wet, ok?

and they pley in the lake and in the waterfall for half an hour.

harris says. that was fun. I can’t even imagine how I was afraid of it before. I like the water now. thank you.

wait...I saw that person again, tight there, in the trees. I think it’s a girl.

Harris! really? it’s probably jsut the kitten.

no, it’s a girl, really. I saw a girl in the trees there. .now she’s gone though.

Jason says. what should we do now?

Harris says. get a good night sleep without any dreaming, so we can be well rested to start our journey tomorrow. maybe we should have one of us stay up and watch so that person in the trees won’t attack while we sleep.

Harris. Really? I didn’t see anyhting. there’s nobody there. I’m sure. 

ok, but I know what I saw.

that’s gonna be a problem, says jason. that’s not really sleeping. how about we snuuggle up together and sleep. we’ll be safe together.

marrysil can watch for us okay. 

they lay down to sleep, and marrisyl starts cattering loudly.

what’s that, marisyl? then they see the kitten. 

hey it’s the baby wildcat. he looks humgry. I guess we did steal his dinner, didn’t we? I’ll go catch him some fish before we sleep.

catches several fish. kitten eats some and carries a large one with him into the forrest.

I guess he’s gone now. he shouldn’t get hungry again tonight. 

then they sleep till morning, safe in eachother’s arms

end of chapter 4

chapter 5

jason wakes to the sound of Marrisyl’s frantic chattering. the kitten stands near staring at him

hey tere’s you again. hey there. are you hungry? shall we go fishsing for breakfast before Haarris wakes up? 

the kitten walks to the water. jason follows. catches fish, and the kitten is gone again before Harris wakes.

jason says “harris is still asleep. he must have been really tired still.

hey harris, wake up brother, ok?

shakes him realy hard. ahhh what’s going on Jason. ?

it’s morning. says jason.

but I hate morning, the sun is shining. I don’t wnat to see it. I want to sleep.

get up right now.

but why jason?

do you want to stay here on this beach forever? you like it that well?

harris says no I hate it I want to go home.

right says jason. and how are you getting home?

I’m gonna call my dad from D’zeron.

and how are we getting to D”zeron?

OH. Yeah. right. ok jason. lets get that boat up to the river so I can go home.

they hawl the boat up the cliff, and start up the river.

they camp that night, they make camp in a clearing by the river and build a campfire. jason thinks, as he builds the fire. “im not feeling so good.

harris seems to be feeling better, I don’t want to worry him. 

jason undoes his bandages to clean his wounds. 

harris askes how are you doing? jason says ok, I guess. but he thinks “they look infected, this is not good. he worries, what if I get too sick to trabvel before we get there, I don’t want harris to be left in the woods alone.

:hey harris, I think we should use the dream world to contact D’zeron now. let them know we are on our way”

harris says “isn’t that dangerous? QUetzal might get us again.

I know, but I think we should take the risk.

[aubyn watches from the trees, she tells perry and chathalen that Jason is sick and is planning to try to contact D’neira on the dream plane.

chathalen agrees to go find him.

Harris and Jason sleep togehter again, Chathalen finds tham, tell them not to dream again outside D’zeron unless they really need help or it’s an emergancy.

after they dream, jason wakes up. 

hey kitten, more fish? he gets fish for it, it eats and takes fish with it. Jason goes back to sleep.

they travel up the river

later, harris says there’s the is;and Chathalen mentioned we’re almost there 

jason says Harris?


maybe we should stop her for the night. I’m not feeling very good. 

harris says ok jason Jason sleeps on the boat, and Harris sits on the island and tried to keep watch because he’s worried. 

Harris falls asleep. jason hears Marrisyl and wakes. sees the kitten. oh it’s still there. uses the pole from the boat as a walking stick,  get out and goes to find Harris.

sees wildcat about to jump on Harris. oh no.

uses stick to fend off cat, it goes down her throught and she scratches his face and they both fall down unconscious. Harris wakes to find then both there. he sees both of them. 

jason! runs towrds jason. wake up, Jason.

oh no you’re bleeding. 

jason says Harris call chathalen. 


harris lies down by jason and makes sure he;’s still alive in the dream world which he is but he’s delerious. harris contacts CHathalen and then wakes up.

he starts a fire and boils water to make medicine for Jason.

chathalen arrives soon, explains time is differant in dreams. 

aubyn shows up from the trees, with chathalen. she introduced herself. Hi I’m AUbyn. 

harris says hey, you were the one watching us on the beach by the waterfall were’nt you? 

yess I was. but Perry told me not to so We’ve been being more careful not to let you see us since then. 

enough talk where is he?

here by the fire, I made medicine.

aubyn says what happened? he’s all bloody!

chathalen starts cleaning jason us to check his wounds. 

harris says. I don’t know. I woke up and he was jsut lying on the ground, under this wildcat here I think he killed it with that stick. 

AUbyn says htheres bood on her claws. 

he must have gotten scratched when he killed her. 

chat asks about the bandage.

harris tells about the kitten and Marrisyl. chathalen looks at Marrisyl, aubyn pets her, chathalen will fix her wing later. 

they wash and stich Jaosn’s face.

chathalen says, these cuts are not too bad, he was already sick, wasn’t he? 

harris asay yes, but he was trying not to worry me . 

chathalen looks under the bandage. these cuts are badly infected. I don’t know if he will live or not. don’t get your hopes up.

harris says. we have to call my father. my father can heal him we can’t let him die. 

chathalen says is that  that Jason would want? your father to heal him? 

hariss says no, he wouldn;t want that.

chathalen says let take him to the village now.

subyn says. Ill take Marrysil to the village for you. 

they take the boats cats and Jason to the village.

end of chapter 5

chapter 6 arriving in D’zeron [serai]

they arrive and are greeted by hunters. the hunters bring the wildcat up from the boat to the village. harris carried Jason . aubyn walks beside them. at the village the hunter leader, says he has to do the cerimony for the wildcat. 

chathalen says. he obviously can’t make someone else.

no, it’s important. if not him his closest kin. 

looks at harris. me? no way I can’t I don’t know what you are talking about and I have to take care of Jason. 

aubyn says that’s right listen to him. 

jason wakes halfway, sees the tempole. D’zeron? he mumbles? he looks at the hunter, and asks where is the butter fly girl? in english. the hunter looks confused. jason translates Serai? 

the hunter says. He has chosen his kinswoman serai to perform the cerimony.

SErai! he yells. an young woman followed by a cloud of butterflies makes her way through the croud to him. 

[she was rude, thinks aubyn, she jsut pushed me away]

she looks at Jason  “he’s beautiful she shays. he ‘looks like he’s carved of ivory. 

she looks up at chathalen  “has he really chosen me? 

chathalen gives her a dont be an idiot look saying of course not he doesn’t even know you.

why Her? says AUbyn?

harrris tells her about jason’s vbutterfly girl dreams, and why he said her name.

she says. wel somebody has to take care of the ceruimpony and the hunters want me to I might as well.

chath says, ok, youre right but that doesn’t mean he’s your husband. he might not even live, and if he does you have to wait and see if he hcooses you. understand.

he wil live and he will choose me, i;’m sure of it.

she goes to do the ceremony, and they take him to the temple and clean him up and put him to bed. harris holds him. 

they try to get him to drink so he won’t dehydrate. he’s very unconsccious. 

serai storms in “this cat was a mother. where is the kitten?

oh no, we forgoit the kitten, it’s on the boat, it’s probably hungry.

you left it on the boat? how could you?

aubyn and perry get the kitten. 

they go to the boat. perry find the bag, aubyn opens it the kitten snuggles up to her and meows pittifully.

aubyn says  here’s the kitten. ok kitten, lets find you some food now.

marrysill chaters at the kitten and the kitten hisses back at her.

hey no hissing kitten. aubyn says.

goes back to tell Serai that they have the kitten while Perry catches some fish for the kitten. 

she--serai-- takes Marrysil and send them home for the night. aubyn goes to Serais to take care of animals while Serai is at the temple.

serai goes to the temple

At serais, Aubyn has to separate kitten from whiffle and dginn. she keeps the kitten outside with the sheep since he prefers being out. the bunnies live in the house, running free on the floor. fluffy is the white bunny and the grey bunny is little grey[both girls] and the yellow  with green hat is link and has blue eyes. Link is Aubyn’s special bunny and no one but Aubyn touches link. Aubyn brushes link every night, but the younger kids brush the other 2 bunnies in the morning.  link doesn’t mate with the two girls, so they are looking for a new buck and a new doe so they can have new bunnies.

She goes by her own house to check on her dogs and puppies. and coribou is jumping on her leg. aubyn picks coribou up. and holds him.,

the next day aubyn brought caribou to class because whiffle and Dginn really like caribou. aubyn told caribou to go play with whiffle and dgin. in the back yard. she took the cat to the temple to be with Jason during the day. before class.

Serai walks back to class with her.

meanshile at the temple, Serai takes Marrysil to Chathalen, and he splints and bandages her wing, and says she will perhaps be able to fly again in about 6 days.

Harris is sitting on the bed holding Jason, they ahve been trying to get him to drink water so he won’t dehydrate. he’s not cooperating. Serai tries, he still doen’t cooperate. she asks if she can dream with Jason and tell him in the dream to drink. CHathalen says no because they are not matrried and it wouldbe in appropriate, so she asks Harris, as Jason’s brother to dream with him and tell him to drink the water. harris also is jsut tired and needs sleep so he does this, and Jason drinks water and Harris gets a good night sleep.

in the morning, Jason is feverish and still unconscious, AUbyn brings the kitten and while  chathalalyn is checking Jason’s wounds.

chathalyn says, I don’t know if he’s going to live Serai, his wounds are very much infected.

Serai says, the mother cat was very sick, she was dying, so she could have infexcted him

no, it’s too soon. he was sick before she scrached him. this illness came from the kitten not from the mother.

as if he knew they were speaking of him, kitten jumped up on Jason and started licking his face. Harris grbs the kitten NO, don’t do that. 

chathalen says, no wait. letting the kitten lick him may help him heal. the kitten isn’t sick so the kitten might have developed anti-bodies to this disease, and his cat spit might transfer them to Jason.

Harris puts the kitten back.  ok.

aubyn says. this is good how?

chathalen explains. when cats are hurt they lick their wounds, because there are chemicals in the spiit that helps heal. it’s worth a try, isn’t it? anyone have any better ideas?

serai says, you could let me dream with him? 

everyone else says no, in unison.

ok, I’ll bring him smoothies at lunch time, and we’ll see if we can get him to drink something more nourishing than water.

good Idea serai, says Chathalen.

serai and AUbyn leave for class. 

she’s a crazy woman says Harris.

yeah, sort of I guess, says CHahtalen. do you think your brother will agree to marry her if he lives? 

Harris laughs. probably not right away we were jsut talking about marriage and he says he’s not ready for that. but since she is a butterfly girl, and he did say he wants to find one of those in D’zeron, she might stand a chance.

Serai can be very persuasive says Chathalen. 


back at Serai’s house, Serai leaves AUbyn in charge of the other students while she goes to the morning meeting. 

mike is having trouble with weaving and nick and liz are learning to take care of bunnies. Aubyn helps them with the bunnies

ricky has trouble with weaving also. and he’s afraid of Serai’s  spiders.

mike goes into the other room where the spiders live, and there’s a big blue spider hanging in the doorway,hee’s startled, and then says oh hello RUto.  he grabs the string and puts it to the side saying, nice web good work but don’t spin in the doorway. the other spider is black and they call it Blackie. blackie hids in dark corners and is rarely seen.

aubyn says. oh serai forgot to tell me to clear the doorway again. I hope it wasn’t too webby. 

Mike says, no jsut one web and I moved it to the side. it’s ok now. for me anyhow. jsut remind ricky not to go in that one.

Serai gets back from the meeting, and she helps with little kids with their weaving.

Serai milks the goats and tells AUbyn Perry is coming by to give her some fruit she asked him to gather to help Jason.

SHe says, AUbyn, LInk doesn’t seem to bee mating with my does. if we want to get more  kits, I think we’re going to ahve to get another buck. 

aubyn says, won’t they fight, link and the new boy? I don’t wnat to get reid of link, he has so pretty yellow fur.

I know how much you like him, and yes, I was concerned with that also. I wondered if you might like to take him home? 

aubyn says, ok.

Serai says. if you like, I could ask Perry to look for another Doe for him too. maybe if perry found a yellow doe he would be willing to mate with her.

Serai laugh. you think if  I put flowwers on he’ll mate with them.

Aubyn says I’ll go climbing with Perry, and help him pick out a new buck and a doe for Link, and I can help carry back the rabbits and the fruit also. 

serai says. I need the fruti right away, but after that you could go bunny humting, ok? 

perry gets back with the fruit, and serai makes smoothies for Jason with goatmilk and fruit and some other plants from her garden. 

perry and aubyn go rabit hunting. 

perrry says, here, AUbyn come this way, I remember seeing some rabitis in this place. 

did you really have to bring link with you? climbing with three bunnies is going to be hard.

aubyn says, I can carry link and his doe, you can jsut carry the buck for Serai, ok?

Perry shakes his head. ok if you really want to. that’s up to you I guess. I still think that’s silly. 

It’s the only way to find a bunny that we know link likes.

perry considers this. well, I gues he is a really picky bunnie, perhaps you’re right about this. anyhow, I don’t mind as long as I don’t ahve to carry two at a time. 

lets go.

they go to a crearing in the forest near the river where there are many bunnies playing in the wildflowers. 

ok says Perry. how will you find one link likes

AUvbyn says I’ve got an Idea. she jumps down with link, and puts him down. 

links sees a yellow doe which is shy and there’s a flowwer which has fallen from the trees on her head. link chases after her. 

Perry laughs. you really did find one with a flower. ok, lets catch them both again now. 

AUbyn calls “link get back here” and link comes. 

perry is impress “very obediant for a bunniy, isn’t he. 

and his girlfreind flollowed him too. perry picks up the yellow doe and hands it to AUbyn. that was easy, hope serai’s buck comes as easily. 

Perry notices two little bucks, a white and a grey jsut like fluffy and grey, who a being rejected by all the does. the white one they call hopper and the grey one they call silver. 

Perry says, oh I bet Serai will be very pleased. smae color as the bunnies she already has. there should be good . 

AUbyn says I;ll catch silver, while you get hopper, ok? 

perry says alright that’s fine with me.  he climbs through the trees over to where hopper is sitting jumps down and scoops him up “got mine” he says grinning. 

aubyn uses the doe to get silver to chace it, and catches silvenow who’s gonna carry the extra buck since we got two says perry? 

aubyn says they’re both kinda small how about you carry it? 

Perry shrugs I guess I can stuff one in my bag.

aubyn brought a basket cage to carry her bunnies in. she puts them in together and they are happy because they like each other. 

that was easy says AUbyn as they head home. perry lets get back.

yeah, that did go quickly. thanks for all your help aubyn. 

you’re welcome.

you should come forraging with me more often. 

I’m usually busy with students and animals and such. 

Perry says. maybe when serai marries the alien he can do all that stuff for her and you’ll have more time.

shut up Perry you’re not suposed to talk lilke that outside the temple.

Perry repleis, of yeah, like whose gonna hear me way out here in the forest, huh? you’re not gonna tell anyone are you? 

Aubyn says. I”m jsut gonna pretend you never said anything. 

maybe I like taking care of the animals. 

perry says, yeah, but didn’t we have a good time catching bunnies?

yeahsausys aubyn

and when we were watching the aliens, that was fun too, wasn’t it?

aubyn says, it was to me, but.. [she flicks a rock at him}and laughs.

HEY he says. no fair I ahve a bunnie in my hands. 

the baskets very useful says aubyn.

perry says maybe you could weave one for me.

aubyn says, maybe you should come to serais’s house and lear how to weave one yourself. 

they both stop.

AUbyn, jsut ginne the grey buck, okay? I’ll take the grey buck to serai, and you can give her the white one.

she’s like “what’s with you? girls are so confusing.

AUbyn’s backto Serai’s house before perry. SHe’s not home because she’s gone too visit Jason. they leave the bucks there, and each goes home. 

meanwhile back at the temple, sserai takes the smoothies she made to the temple, jason is still asleep. they try to get him to drink smoothies cause he can’t eat while he’s asleep. they have harris sleep and get him to drrink in the dream world. 

Serai asks harris to ask jason if he will marry her. Chathalen says no, Harris is not the waever, it’s not his job to arrange marriages.

serai says but I make ahoim a assistant weaver so he can? chathalen says no. you ahve to do all that in person when hee’s awake. 

but what if he never wakes up?

well, I say we jsut make sure he does wake up ok? not like it does you any good to marry him if he’s dead right? can’t you jsut be a little patient?

no. you said if we were matrried you’d let me dream with him like Harris does. I could get him well faster if you let me dream with him. 

NO. says chathalen. you can help him eat smoothies and that’s all.

so they feed him smotthies and Harris dreams with him. only Harris.

Harris says Serai brought you smoothies made out of milk and fruit and things to help you get better. you should drink it. it will help you get better.

jasonsays no I don’t want to. i’m not hungry I jsut want to sleep. 

harris says you ahve to eat, CHathalen says you are not getting bettter even with the at licking you, and if you don’t eat you might not have enough strength to heal. maybe I don’t want to heal.

and Harris says oh c’mon jason, the butterfly girl is waiting for you to wake up so she can ask you to marry her. you wouldn’t want to disapoint her after dreaming about her all these years would you? 

jason says. ok you’re right I always wanted to meet the butterfly girl. he drinks the smoothie, and then asks Harris, is there really a butterfly girl? and Harris tells him sure there is, Jason her name is serai and she’s a weaver so the butterflies follow her because she raises catterpillers for their threds. and she thinks you’re gonna marry her when you wake up, but Chathalen says you don’t have to.

that’s good Harris cause I’m too young to get married. 

Ok Jason, I’ll tell her you told me that, ok. ok. now go away i’m tired I want to rest. 

harris wakes up and tells Serai about what Jason said, and serai says that’s ok, when he meets me he’ll change his mind. Then serai goes home because Chathalen will not let her stay in the temple all night.

when she walks in the door she sis suprized to see 4 rabbits chassing eachother arround the floor. and she says. I wasn’t expecting 4 rabbits. and they look jsut like the does, I can hardly tell who is who. I wonder if they found a good mate for link, also. 

the next morning, Aubyn comes over early to show her the two rabbits, link and the DOe.

cute, well matched said serai. you are the bunny weaver. what are you going to call her? 

I ahven’t fingured othat one out says aubyn. 

I don’t know why, but I think the name Zelda would be cute. what do you think?

aubyn says that’s a perfect name for her.

and Serai asks her to stay and get the students started so Serai can take more smoothies to Jason. and the cat.  

aubyn asks how he’s doing, and serai says

Chathalen says he hasn’t gotten any better, but I still think he’ll be ok soon.

serai also says. he might wake up in the Next day or so. I think.

what does Chathalen think.

He says it might be a week or so, and he might not wake up at all, and if he does he might not even really get well because the virus might have damaged his brain.

AUbyn says. I hope you’re right serai. WHen perry comes by I’ll tell him to get you for fruit.

good says serai, tell him also thanks for bringing the rabbits. you two did a great job. 

so the two male bunnies are right for you? 

yess, they seem to be getting along quite nicely, I think we will have kitts very soon. 

Yay says AUbyn. baby bunnies are so cute. Maybe I could keep one and call it tetra Ok says serai, I’ve got to go now. thanks for helping out. 

after Serai leaves, the students start ariving. ricky comesin first. he’s a bit nervous. there aren’t any spiders out today are there, aubyn he asks

no you’re tottally safe in this room. get started on your weaving .

he does so. mike comes in next, and AUbynsays get started. Mike asks if she wants him to check on the spiders first.

I guess so. be quick about it.

ricky says. don’t let them out.

ricky get to work. they don’t even want to come out, silly.

mike looks in and sees there are hundreds of tiny spiders all over the floor. he looks out at ricky, realizeng these are small enough to crawl under the dooor and  seem to be moving pretty fast. ricking notices he’s looking at him

WHAT?why are you staring at me.

Mike tries to be casual. nothing, ricky get back to work. 

hey aubyn, he whispers. I think we got a praoblem in the spider room, i need you to come check this out.

she goes over to the door with him. what’s up. MIke. 

ricky sees them go over these and he’s like HEY why are you ging in there again? what’s going on. he starts looking frnticaly arround the room. ONE of them is missing, isn’t it,? that’s why you’re looking at me funny, you think it’s goonna get me.

AUbyn says, get back to work.nothings gonna get you ricky. 

she opens the door and looks in. the little spiders have made their way almost to the door. she gasps and shutts the door fast.

ricky screams what is it AUbyn? what’s in there?

about then lizzy and nick come through the door. and see the new bunnies. hey! look we got more bunnies!. no one touches link or Zelda.

and mike says AUbyn stop worrying about your bunnies and take care of these things. 

aubyn sayays I don’t know what to do now, ok? back away over by ricky, terrified. 

mike’ s like Oh come on not you too, this is jsut great. 

rIcky’s screams what is it AUbyn ? she told him there were a bunch of baby terantchulas. 

can they get out? asks nicky? 

they might be able to crawl under says AUbyn. 

lets go! ricky says and grabs aubyns arm and runns out of the house.

but my bunnies!

abput then the first of the spiders make it through the door. Lizzy sees them LOOK spiders she says, really excited and happy to see them, and all the bunnies ran outside. 

aubyn tries to drag the little kids out of the house, but lizzy wiggles I wanna see the spiders, Serai’s gonna be so pleased , we gotta get them all contained before they get outside or eat each other, y’know? 

ricky and aubyn are both holding onto each other because theya re both really scared. cmon guys lets gather then up and try to keep them seperated. 

mike says you’re right Lizzy, that’s what we should do. looks like the smallest of us is the bravest one today. 

mike says AUbyn and RIckty, you guys get the bunnies put away and go get serai fast. and Perrie too if you can find him  were gonna need all the help we can ge on this. 

aubyns like were not gonna help you on this.

I know I know. take care of the bunnies and get serai

they try to get al the bunnies into a big basket. that serai and AUbyn made together. here ricky hand me zelda. he tries and she’s very wiggly 

this is why I’m a weaver and not a bunny keeper says RIcky. they finnnaly get them all in and head for the temple. 

meanwhile. the other three gather all the cups and bowls from serais kitchen and put them over the top of the spiders as they come out the door

when serai gets home with Perry and Harris she finds her whole workroom covered with cups and bowls and little spiders crawling all around.

the kids are all like we ran out of bowls and cups what can we do with all the rest of these things? 

aubyn says come on ricky we need to get you out of here, I know how much you hate spiders. she walks him hoome, and explains to his mom what happened. mom is horrified and says make sure they are all cleaned up before he comes back.

AUbyn knocks on RIcky’s door, mom answers. 

oh hello aubyn is RIcky sick today?

no something worse.

what could be worse? we ahd to get ricky outa there because theres a problem at serai‘s houe.

blackie had lots of black baby taranchelas and they crawled out under the door and all over the hourse.

RIckies mom got very pale and scared. oh no my poor little ricky that’s horrible. it’s bad enough he has to weave with them in the same house, but crawling under the door. she shuddeers. how awflul. 

ricky says, aw, mom it was bad, but not all that bad as you make it sound.

aubyn says RIcky, before I go back with the others, would you take care of the bunnies while we clear the spiders out of the house, please?

ricky says, yes, I will!

aubyn says, is that oky ricky’s mom?

she smiled. sure. jsut be sure you catch all those spiders before class time tomorrow, ok?

all right. we will catch every last one that we can find.

aubyn heads aback and ont he way meets another student, billy. AUbyn says hi BIlly. we’re having a spider crisis today so I walked RIcky home.

billy says what sort of a spider crisis.  

terantulas she whispered to billy. 

billy says Cool, I can help you on that. 

Really? Billy says, SO, blackys eggs finally hatched, did they?

YOu knew she had eggs? why didn’t anyone warn me?

billy said. I ahven’t seen you since che laid them I figured Serai told you. 

AUbyn shyly says “no” 

billy says she was probably too preocupied with her alien freinds to think about the spiders. anyhow we didn’t think they would hatch nearly this soon. how big are they? 

small enough to go under the door, but bigge enough you can see them easy from where RIcky sits when he weaves. 

oh that’s pretty big for hartchling,s I can’t wait to see them, lets go.

aubyn says we hae everyone we could get help from that we know about, even one of the alien guys. chathalen didn’t come because he;s taking care of JAosn. jason’s more importnat than little spiders everywhere. 

billy says Jason, that’s one of the alien guys too, right?

yeah, he’s very sick. he’s  the one who has very white skinn and hair, and he’s small like a child but he’s not a child he’;s older than Serai. the other one is harris and he’s really tall and as black as a terantula.

billy says cool I get to meet the alien and the baby spiders all at once. 

aubyn says no time for talking, lets go help them.

billy says HERE and gives her a net.

she hasn’t seen one in awhile she says what is it?

a net, says billy, we use them to catch fish but It’ll work for little spiders I think.

about then they get to the house.

aubyn says Hey everyone sorry I’m late I jsut met a freind on the way. 

billy stands in the door gaping, at all the spiders and Harris.

aubyn says billy don’t jsut stand there, give them the net.

they hold the net all together and they net all the remaining free spiders except for one. 

and aubyn catches the last one with a little fishing net. 

billy gives her a little let bag to keep it in until she has time to weave a better cage for it.

AUbyn says “that was alot of work”

perry says what are we going to do with all these spiders? 

nobody says anything.

Perry says maybe we should take some of them out to the forrest and set them free.

serai says, now we want to keep some of them.

perry says, NO serai you ahve about 400 you can’t keep that many spiders.

aubyn says I think we should let them All go into the wild. on big black spider is enough.

billy says I wanna keep one, please serai?

AUbyn says Here billy you can have the one I caught. I sure hope your mother isn’t afraid of soders like RIckies though.

aho she’s not, she loves anything furry even spiders. really.

serai decides to weave a special spider cage for outside and keep 12 of them. and she lets billy have the one AUbyn caught. and aubyn goes with perry to help release them into the wild, and when she gets home she finds one still sitting on her head, so she desides to keep that one  and weaves him a special little cage with find net so the feet can’t go through.

aubyn says serai, we have 13 of them actually. this one didn’t want to stay in the forrest.

aubyn shows serai, she says, oh he’s a really cute one, what are you going to call him. shadow says aubyn. 

i’ll keep him outside with your other spiders, she says. 

she set iton top of the basket that serai wove for her twelve spiders.

then AUbyn says, I’m gonna go tell RIcky’s mom the good news. 

ahe goes to ricky’s house.

mom alswers the door how the spider situation. 

very good news, we got yhe spiders all captured.   but theres bad news too. we kept 13 of them , not counting the one BIlly took home.

oh no

but they are outside in little baskets

i know you and serai are very good weavers, so I trust your little baskets to keep those spiders in.

aubyn says that means ricky gets to go to class tomorrow, right. 

mom agrees, right, he’ll be there.  thanks AUbyn.

let me tell ricky good by before I leave


hey ricky come here a minute. !



bye aubyn see you in the morning. tomorrow.

aubyn says yeah see you tomorrow and she goes home. 

end of chapter.

******[end of spider story section}

that evening Serai goes to the temple to take Jason smoothies.

he’s still has a fever and is not doing well, CHahtalen is concerned, Seerai again asks to be allowed to marry him and or dream with him, chathalen continues to refuse, harris isn’t able to talk with him much he’s less lucid in the dream world but does agree to eat the smoothie. 

serai goes hoime before the moon rises and the temple locks.

Serai goes and sits on the high clif and watches Aisis rise. by herself. 

then she goes home, and goes tobed.

Serai wakes before AUbyn arrives. she checks the new spiders, and they all seem to be in their places and doing fine, she checks the newsbunnies ad hey are also doign well. she milks he goats so he has milk to make smoothis and gathers herbs and fruit for it, and  startsmakng smootes.  leaves a note saying Dear Aubyn, I ahve gone to take foood to my husband in the temple. Chathalen says he’s not doing well, ndhe did seem more sick last night but I’m sure he will be better soon. thank you for taking care of things while I am away. Love, Serai.

AUbyn finds the note embarassing nad rips it up and throws it in the trash fire. she puts LInk and zelda down to visit the other bunnies.

she checks the spiders and Ruto has a huge web all over the doorway which aubyn cleans up. AUbyn puts beetles for blackie and flying insects for Ruto into the spider room, after she clears the webs from the door. she tells ruto, build it someplace else this time” and she piks up ruto by the thread and moves her to another part of the room, where Ruto starts spinning. she seems to like her new location. 

she closes the door carefully to make sure no bugs get out, and then goes to check Shadow.


in the morning, 

Serai left before AUbyn arrived, but Aubyn knows what to do.

when RIcky arrives he brings the bunnies, to get them back n their right places. 

ricky offers to help set up the nest boxes, but Aubyn tell him to get to work on hid weaving, becuase the little kids need to learn how to do the nest boxes. 

the little ones come in, lizzy and nick, and AUbyn gets them started on making nests for the bunnies, then MIke comes in

the other students start arriving for the day.  this time Liz and Nick arrive first Aubyn is just returning form checking on the spiders when they arrive. she says you can play with the bunnies until the others get here. 

then Mike and RIcky arrive, while Nick and Liz are playing with the bunnies. Aubyn says, hey Ricky since we have a few extra bunnies, you wanna join us. They need alot of brushing today because they didn’t get much yesterday with all the spider trouble. 

Ricky says Sure, I’ll join in on that. and he’s like at least I don’t have to do Zelda, she’s a kicky one. 

“How about you do the guy bunnies of Grey and snowy?” suggests Aubyn. 

“Sure” says Ricky, “I’ll do those.” 

SO everyone that’s doing bunnies are brushing the fur of the bunnies, and then RIcky only joins every once and a while because he doesn’t do it every time because that’s be kindof harsh for RIcky to do all the bunny brushing. 

and now the littler kids and Aubyn start making little nests for the bunnies to sleep in. SO AUbyn jsut leaves Link and Zelda there for that night. and everyone heads home.

Serai is gone at the temple all day and then she goes to the cliff to watch the moon rise.

then she goes home. 

everyone is asleep. 

NO one is staying up to take care of Jason because he’s jsut sleeping peacefully now, but Serai is worried because Chathalen thinks this means he is getting sicker and is never going to wake up. 

while Jason and Harris are both asleep they can dream together. so HArris talks to him in their dream and tells him he needs to wake up now because everyone thinks he is dying.

why do they think I am dying? maybe they are right Harris. maybe I am dying.

NO insists harris. you are not dying. you promised me you would go look at the mural with me when we got back to Homestation. PAragangians choose when they die, and this is not your time. you haven’t even seen D’zeron yet, and you haven’t evem nmet your butterfly girl. she’s waiting for you. you need to wake up. 

Jason’s like huh?? kind of confused. the butterfly girl was jsut a dream. she’ll always be there in the dream world, where she always was.

harris says, well I don’t know anything about that Jason but there’s a butterfly girl here in D’zeron who is waiting for you to wake up, and so I think you ought to get on with it now. 


Serai leave her house early in the morning as usual, taking with her smoothies for Jason. 

she arrives at the temple and Chathalen is there and she asks how Jason is doing. Harris and Jason are both still sleeping. “He doesn’t seem to ahve gotten any better, CHahtalen says. I don’t think he’ll be able to eat that he’s too sound asleep for you to be able to get him to swollow anything now. 

and she says, that’s ok I can jsut wait for him to wake up then. and CHathalen says He’s not going to jsut sudden;y wake up Serai, you might as well forget it. we’ve done all we could. 

I’m not going to jsut forget and pretend nothing ever happened, he’s my husband and as long as he’s not dead he’s alive, and he’s going to wake up. so I’m going to go try to get him to drink this. 

CHathalen shakes his head and walks out of the way. 


meanwhile back at Serai’s house, AUbyn arrives for the morning, No note from Serai this time, but AUbyn knows what needs to be done so she gets started .

she says hello to all the animals, the angora possums whiffle and Dginn are right there staring at her as soon as she enters. and then AUbyn looks dpown and goes whoh! startled. “have you two always beeen standing there? go along, guys, !” and they both ran away. phew, she sighed, 

“wait a minute, I need to check on my spider SHadow. “ so she went out back to check on SHaddow, but SHaddow is big enough now already that he can’t crawl through the gap under the door any more, so runns up and puts him in the spider room with Blacki and ruto. and she gets them all some bugs, Perry stops by with some new buggs from the forest for them, right about then.

Hi AUbyn! he sneaks up behind her and startles her. she jumps up. “ DOn’t startle me like that!” perry apologizes although he is still laughing.

oh uit laughing. saus AUbyn

“you wanna go foraging with me today Aubyn? he asks.

NO so

rry I can’t serai is at the temple. 

oh yeah I heard Jason is doing badly now and will probably not live more than another day or so. says Perry

oh be quiet,says AUbyn, pushing him away. don’t talk like that. THat is jsut mean. Serai is sure she can make him live, so I beleive he will. if aybody can make somebody live it’s Serai. 

Well maybe so says Perry, but sometimes people do Die, even with serai taking care of them, like her first husband, and her mother, and the weaver before her. 

this time it will be differant. she throws a ball of yarn at him, he ducks away, she laughs. 

wellI hope you are right AUbyn. I hope he wakes up soon so she can get back to work and you can come forraging with me again. 

I’ve got to get to work now Perry, kids will be arriving soon. see you later. 

Perry leaves, 

the first student to arrive was RIcky. he says Hey, AUbyn, good to see you today.”

“hey RIcky, before you get started, I wanna show you how much Shadow has grown. he’s not like how he was when he was little tiny.”

RIcky says I’m not so sure about this. in a nervous voice. 

Hey says AUbyn, I thought I told you don’t be afraid of them says AUbyn

I know says RIcky, but I’ve always been afraid of them. it’s hard to change. 

AUbyn holds the small spider out to him in her hand. 

WOW he has grown says RIcky. he cautiously reaches out and touches the spiders back. it is still calm and freindly. the fur is soft. 

it’s soft says ricky, not as soft as the bunnies, but still, pretty nice fur. 

SHaddow looks cool doesn’t he ? asks AUbyn.

well, says RIcky. I think he looks like a spider. sort of scarry. but at least he’s soft. and freindly. I guess he’s okay. 

[SHaddow ever liked RIcky since he first saw RIcky but RIcky was scarred of him at the time. 

“well, he sill likes you RIcky” says AUbyn

how can you know that?? says RIcky? 

he might be jsut wishing he was big enough to eat me for lunch or something. says RIcky.

Aubyn laughs. very funny, RIcky. THat’s not what he wishes he could be, that big”

what do you think he wishes, AUbyn?”

AUbyn sets SHaddow down on her lap and pets him at the same tme. “hmm. well I think he’d wish he could be your pet, though.” SHaddow crawls towards RIcky. RIcky tries not to scoot away in fear. he holds real still as the spider crawls into his lap and onto his hand. 

see he wanted to go over to see you” AUbyn picks him up. “well I guess we can’t keep him out forever, lets put him away now. you do not need to be afraid of spiders, RIcky. sometimes spiders are a good thing.. they eat buggs and eat things that you don’t wantin your house.” 

well I for one don’t want spiders in my house. says RIcky. but SHadows ok here I guess. you should get him put away so we can get to work now.”

alright she says, and puts him in the spider room. 

“arre you sure he can’t escape, AUbyn, asks RIcky. 

I’m pretty sure he can’t escape he’s big enough he can’t go under the door. 

they sure grow fast, said RIcky. 

we’ll wait for the other bunny kids to get here. speaking of pets, we should check on the bunnnies. 

ok AUbyn. I’ll go with you. 

yeah. she says”they’re in the boxes riht now, those big baskets over there. see those big baskets over there? 

that’s where they are. 

RIcky laughs yeah I watched you guys making those yesterday AUbyn, don’t you remember. 

I didn’t look at you, watching us do our thing. you were suposed to be working on your own weaving. 

so they look at the bunnies and the bunnies are still hyper and energetic. and link and Zelda are togehter and little grey and silver are together and snowy and the white buck are together.     “well it llooks like nothing has happened to them yet says RIcky.”

well I’m taking LInk and Zelda home today says Aubyn

then all the other kids came, so everyone continues on getting on the bunnies and their weaving. the two older ones are working on weaving. the little ones on bunnnies, and everyone goes back home, and Aubyn never forgot the bunnies link and Zelda. 


meanwhile back at the temple....

Serai, with the cat following, walks into Jason’s room carrying the smoothie. He’s still asleep. She sits DOwn on the floor patiently. the kitten just jumps onto Jason’s bed and licks his face, because the kitten know he is to blame for Jason’s illness. and then later on JASon gets alot better than what he was last night so he wakes up. 

Serai says “you’re awake!” she jumps to her feet and Rushes towards him.

Jason is startled, He tries to scoot away and Yells “Stay away from me! Who are you?” he looks around him. “where am I?” 

“You’re in Dzeron. in the temple. I’m Serai. the butterfly girl. I brought you food” she held out the cup of smoothy towards him. kitten snuggles up to him as if trying to comfort him. 

Chathalen walks in the room and says “why didn’t you tell us he was awake?” and she says, I didn’t have time to tell you he only woke up a minute ago. and he had questions.I couldn’t ignore them. 

JAson looks at the catm pets it instinctively. says “hey, you’re the kitten from the beach by the watterfall. how did you get here? 

Kitten crawls into Jasons lap and curls up, purring. 

“ we brought him with us because he could not survive in the wild without his mother after you killed her, and the other cats would have been angry if we had let him starve.”

jason looks at CHathalen, like he was confused. 

“you probably don’t remember much ‘ says CHathalen. “what’s the last thing you remember? 

“harris?” Jason looks arround the room, questioningly. 

“he’s sleeping, he’ll be in soon I’m sure.” explained CHathalen. so, what’s the last thing you remember? YOu mentioned the beach by the waterfall. do you remember anything after that.?”

we traveled up the river. I was starting to get sick, I was worried about Harris.” 

“do you remember the mother wildcat?” 

no, the kitten was alone, I was catching fish for it, it seemed hungry.” he looks arround the room, sees Marrysil perching on a shelf. He smiles. “Marysyl” she catters down at him and the cat hisses back. Jason moved the cat aside, and then CHathalen picks up the cat. and takes it outside, sutting the door behind it. 

marrysil flies down to Jason. 

Jason remembers...I saved her from that kitten, the kitten scratched us both. my scratches were starting to get infected and I had a fever, that second night on the river. I don’t remember much after that, I guess.”

He looks at chathalen, feels the scratches on his face. “what happened?”

“if you don’t remember, we don’t know exactly, but as neer as we can figure, the kittens mother tried to eat Harris and you stuck a long stick in her mouth as she atacked, and basicaly she killed herself.  but the village hunters consider that you killed her, so you are a hero to them now. 

He stares unbeleiving. 

and you chose me to perform the ritual for the dead wildcat, so I am your wife now. says Serai, she tries to aproach him but Chathalen hold her back. jason stares at CHathalen WHAT???!”

CHathalen glares at Serai. “Serai, stop. you are not helping. give him time. I think you should leave us now.” 

“no protests Serai. chathalen turns to Jason “do you want her to stay, Jason?” 

“no” says Jason

oky then, says Serai, sadly. she looks at chathalen”ell me when I can come back.; 

oh and he’s his food. he should eat, now that he’s awake.” 

she leaves. she goes home. 

she meets Harris on her way out. what’s up asked Harris. “He’s awake said serai, but Chathalen made me leave.

I’m sorry, said Harris. we’ll come get you soon.”

Harris goes in. He grins at Jason, Harris walks over to Jason and says “hi”He hugs Jason, Jason does not hug back. “I’m glad you’re ok I was kind of worried about you.” 

and Jason gives him a strange look. and goes “harris?” [Questioning like is that really you harris] but then 

“It’s evening.” Chathalen says. “You should rest. you should drink this, he holds out the smoothy--and then you should rest. you’re not well yet. we’ll explain everything in the morning. ok? “

“Ok” says Jason. he drinks the smoothy and goes to sleep. 


Serai goes to watch the moon rise before she goes home. 

She’s lost in thought as she walks to the high cliff, she does not notice that Tersh is following behind her. 

then Serai goes home, tersh stays behind at the cliff. Serai never notices that he was following her.


Serai goes back to the temple as soon as the sun rises. first she puts a quick note to let the students know that she’s gone. 

Aubyn arrives first. she picks up the note off the table, and reads :

I’m not home because I am at the temple. “ Aubyn closes the note and puts it back on the table. there’s something on the back of the note. it says. there will be a meeting this morning. 

she wonders what the meeting will be about, and goes to take care of Serai’s animals. she looks out to see if the signal flag is out. before that she is writing, or reading a book. 

she sees the flag go up, so she goes to the meeting place. Perry is there, she goes and greets him. she puts her arm over his shoulders. he says Oh, Hey AUbyn. How are the bunnies and the spiders?

she shhhs him because the meeting is starting. D’neira and Chathalen are leading the meeting. D’neira speaks. As you know, two aliens arrived several days ago. one of them was very ill and we feared he might not survive. He has, however awakened and will be introduced to the village as soon as he is well enough, and at that time they will both be assigned a place a family and a profession. they will remain in the temple until that time. if you have any questions, you may come to the temple and discuss them with Chathalen. that is all. and she withdrew back into the temple, Chathalen followed her. 

everyone left. 

******* ******************** book two cover 1x--cover : destiny of dreams  [in small font] Journey to D’zeron [in large font]

Picture of Jason and Harris and Marrisyl, standing by a boat Jason holding the pole the pole the boat with, Marrisyl on Harris’s head with wing bandaged, Jason has his guitar on his back and bandages around his chest. 

[superimposed picture of Serai and Chathalen on the high cliff staring at Aissis?] 
